Ok, so you're probably saying to yourself " She finally updated her blog!". Yes, I know, I'm not very current but I do have a reason! I have been in school! I'm on week 11 now, only a few more to go until the end of the semester. I took three classes, all centered around drawing, and what a lot of work! I am constantly doing homework, homeschooling the boys or doing housework! I really need a nice long RV vacation. aaahhhh.
Ok, so what have I learned so far? Well, I have posted a few new posts to show some of the work I've done. I'm only posting the latest works because, well, the first assignments were relatively horrible compared to what I am doing now. LOL
My family says I am too critical of my work, but hey! That's me!
So without further ado....here are some of my assignments!
These two assignments are concept drawings for a dining room light fixture. They have an ocean theme to them, can you tell? In this class we learned about creating concept sketches (no rulers allowed) for different things; we had to create a plan (overhead view), side and front view and the axonometric. The axonometric was one of the hardest things for me to do; especially when it comes to curves, which of course, I just HAD to do all the time. LOL Live and Learn.

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