Friday, October 17, 2008

Set Design and Construction

I have again accepted the role of Set Designer for Christian Life Center's Christmas Play this year. I have done a crash course in Ancient Studies, mainly covering Roman and Egyptian influence in Israel, King Herod and Bethlehem. A lot of online research went into studying about the previous and also the Magi and Persian Empire. I bought few books that really help in studying the architecture of these areas:

Ancient Egypt, Art and Archaeology of the Land of the Pharoahs by Giorgio Agnese and Maurizio Re

Lost Cities from the Ancient World by Maria Teresa Buaitoli and Simone Rambaldi

Our plans are to reuse some of the sets from last time, like Joseph's House and the Inn, but will be repurposing the other sets to add to the stage.

The director, Sandy, and I are very excited as we plan on putting a Magi Tower over an aisle next to the seating area (if the Fire Marshal say's Okey Dokey) and turning the lobby into Bethlehem! We will be using market tents and a couple of other surpises.

A few years ago, I made a couple of Egyptian Columns that were used at a company event. I decided to repurpose them to use for the Christmas play this year. This picture is of one of the columns.

When I made them, I did a crash course in Heiroglyphics, so yes, the columns do say something! What does it say? LOL I can't remember all of it and which column said what, but my name was on one and it also said "Merced is very hot in the summer". LOL Seriously!

In this photo I have stripped the plaster strips off the base and top of the colums to reveal the wire framing, which I then removed.

I have now replastered the columns. I have created new bases and tops for the columns, which were plastered yesterday. I promise to post the completed pictures ASAP. I promise. Really, I promise.

These are painted pieces are to make a 4' x 4' x 2' wall. I forgot to take pictures of the framework. I have added foam, with some stone carving and have muddied the walls. I will be painting them today. Again, I promise to update with pictures soon!

I will also be helping out in the Costuming, making new patterns for new characters. I learned what type of clothing the Magi wore and it is very different from what is in the stock.
It's all very exciting, and because Sandy and I are so excited, I'm going to give you a little peek at the rendering for the Magi Tower. Enjoy!

Well, that's all for now. I have lot's of other plans to draw and an ancient wall to finish painting. Toodles!

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