The good news is that I have been keeping busy! The CLC Christmas play was wonderful! It had some stressful moments, but in the end it all came together. Boy, if it wasn't for that last minute, nothing would get done. LOL
The bad news is that I have some photos, that unfortunately, aren't that great. My camera decided to take a downward spiral and so the shots are disappointing to me.
The good news is my honey bought me a new camera for Valentines Day! Yippee!
...So on my last blog entry I was working on revamping the Egyptian columns. Well as time and budget grew short the executive decision was made to put the columns on the back burner and to focus on adding to the main sets and costumes.
The big time cruncher for us was that we had to take all the previously made sets and fire retard them. Then we had to re-paint them! That was not one of the most joyeous experiences but it was an extremely necessary one. Fortunately, God blessed me with some great help this year, people offered to help with costumes, painting and texturizing sets, moving sets in and out of the auditorium... I'm going to try and remember everyone that pitched in, if I forget a name, please forgive me. Thanks to Sandy and her vision, Pam, Nancy, Diane, Jerry, Joseph, Shawn, Cameron, Keith, Greg, Terry, Jeremy, Joshua, Jordan...
Now,I have to give a special standing ovation to Mr. Greg Vivieros for doing such a spectacular job on building the sets for us this Christmas!!! If it was not for him, I would still be making the sets as I type this. Stand up and take a bow Greg!
Mr. Greg is the happy guy on the right; does he look tired to you too? LOL Jerry, our strongman and Santa Claus,is on the left.
Yes, this is the Magi Tower. Not the finished product I had in mind, but time was of the essence; we had to hurry and so the faux stones for set aside this one and the tower was painted instead. Boy, what that ever and adventure. Nonetheless, it was a spectacular hit!
This was a very large and extremely heavy set. Once put together, this baby wouldn't move in an earthquake. Ok, maybe it would shake a bit. It took 5 guys to move the lower front arch itself. These are pic's of the guys moving it through the foyer and then through the auditorium doorway.

The tower was placed in the far right aisle of the church auditorium. The top floor was for the Magi actors and the audience could move around underneath to their seats. It was pretty darn cool.
(Persian Note: I tried to stay historically correct with Persian architecture and the Magi, taking into account that some people believe the Magi were connected to the Zoroastrian religion, so the tower symbol and clothing reflect this.)
Now Keith Van Houten once again put his creative mind and talents to work and made metal swords for two of our fighting Roman Soldiers. The play had an awesome choreographed fight scene where 4 Roman soldiers battle against each other. (Two fought with swords and two with spears. One soldier protected King Herod.) It was a spectacular! And my oldest son, Jeremy was one of the sword fighters. I don't have a close-up picture of the swords, however Keith has them in safe-keeping so I will get a picture soon. I do have a picture of King Herod with the soldiers below.
Back Row from Left: Jay, Jack, Joshua and Cameron
Front Row from left: Shawn and Jeremy
Well, that's all I have time for today. I will be sure to post more Christmas play photos ASAP.
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